October 9-11, 2013, Tehran, Iran
The secretariat of the 4th Iranian International
Rhinologic congress of Iran
Tel: +98(21) 88950395
Fax: +98(21) 88980621
Website: www.irc2013.ir
E-mail: info@irc2013.ir
April 14th - 17th, Milano, Italy
CQ TRAVEL s.r.l.
Part of the MZ International Group
Tel +39 02 36753900 / +39 02 66802323
Fax +39 02 49542900 / +39 02 6686699
e-mail secretariat@endomilano.com
Website: www.endomilano.com
Once again one of our dreams has come true … it is my great pleasure to announce to you the Pan Arab Journal of Rhinology (PAJR) the official publication of the (PARS)