Sharfi A. O. Ahmed,1 Osman M. El Mustafa2
1Assistant Professor, MD, Sudan, DOHNS RCS, London Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan, 2Professor, FRCS Edinburgh, DLO RCS, London, University of Gezira, Sudan.
Background: Fungal rhino sinusitis (FS) is considered as a disease spectrum that ranges from simple allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) and chronic fungal rhino sinusitis (CFS) to true invasive fungal rhino sinusitis (IFS) invading the orbit and the cranium. Fungal rhino sinusitis is a common disease in Sudan. Allergic fungal rhino sinusitis is the commonest type while the invasive fungal rhino sinusitis (IFS) is associated with Aspergillus species.
Patients and Method: This is a prospective hospital based analytical study conducted in Ibnsina and Al Doha ENT hospitals during the period from March 2008 to August 2012 for a group of Sudanese patients who had fungal rhino sinusitis(FS). Patients’ diagnosis was made by endoscopic examination, CT and MRI.
Results: The study included 1219 patients presenting with nasal polyposis. A total of 440 patients (36%) satisfied the selection criteria. Patients’ age range was 20-29 years. Females accounted for 56% of the cases. Unilateral disease was the commonest type (67%). Orbital extension was detected in 53% of patients on CT and in 95% of them on MRI. Intracranial extension was detected in 73% of patients on MRI. A. flavus was the most responsible agent detected in 99.3% of cases.
Conclusion: Fungal rhinosinusitis (FRS) is a common disease in Sudanese patients mainly caused by Aspergillus species and mostly affects young females. The usual presentation is by nasal obstruction, disturbed smell and postnasal drip associated with a nasal mass or polyp. The disease is extensive and can be associated with orbital and intracranial complications. A. flavus is the most responsible agent.
Keywords: Fugal rhinosinusitis. Aspergillus. A. flavus. Sudan.