Outcomes of rhinoplasty in relation to variable factors: as prospective audit

Khalid M. Bofares

Otorhinolaryngology Department, Omar Almoukhtar University, Elbyda, Libya

Back ground and objectives: Rhinoplasty is considered as a one of the most difficult facial plastic surgeries. Although, there are multiple factors which may affect the results of this pattern of nasal surgery, but still the outcomes of this procedure cannot be predicted because in addition to the objective measurable factors there are also non-measurable subjective factors which may extend up to the psychological status of the patient and hisher cosmetic satisfaction, these last factors can be of more significant role as compared to the other objective factors.

For this reason, this study was conducted prospectively to confirm the effect of different factors on results of this surgery.

Patients and methods: 35 patients aged 18-39 years of different types of external nasal deformities, namely crooked nose , deviated nose , and humped deformed nose, with and  without DNS , presented to us at period in between September 2005 to April 2012 who operated by rhinoplasty as closed technique . The outcomes of the surgery were studied in relation to different demographic , anatomical , pathological as well as surgical factors, namely 1) patients age , 2) sex, 3) race, 4) familial nasal disfigurement background  ,5) type of clinical presentation , 6) cause of the deformity  ,7) type of DNS if present, 8) associated local pathology rather than DNS, 9) recurrent or first attempt of surgery , 10)associated oro-facial disfigurements , and 11) surgical technique which was performed . Patients postoperatively were followed and assessed for outcomes of the surgery.

Results: 80% of patients who underwent the rhinoplasty procedure got acceptable results with high patient's satisfaction.   On the other hand 20% of the patients had residual external deformities and they are subsequently not satisfied with obtained results.

Conclusion: Generally speaking, the rhinoplasty is a difficult surgical procedure, its outcomes are very difficult to be suggested, because these outcomes can be subjective rather than objective form, and the satisfaction of the patient is considered as one of the most important factors which affect these outcomes.

Keywords: Rhinoplasty, septo-rhinoplasty, external nasal deformities reconstruction.

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